Tuesday 14 May 2019

UKIP Rocked By New Fraud Claims

These are challenging times for those still aboard the clown car that is UKIP. The party is set to lose most, if not all, of its representation at the European Parliament at the upcoming round of elections, to be replaced by Nigel “Thirsty” Farage’s Brexit Party. Current leader Adolf von Batten’s cosying up to Gamergate refugees and conspiracy theorists is proving to be an embarrassing mistake.
I em not a racialist but, und zis is a big but ...

Also having a difficult time right now is fringe wacko site Politicalite, which has been banned from Facebook - permanently. Now, the travails of UKIP and Politicalite have collided - and the resulting wreck is already looking like very bad news for all involved.
Politicalite’s political editor Darrell Goodliffe has until now been a UKIP member. But UKIP has decided that, for the time being at least, it can do without his presence. This, in turn, has led to Goodliffe crying foul and letting the world know that he has evidence of seriously dodgy dealing at the heart of Planet Kipper. And he won’t stop talking about it.
Goodliffe’s decision to go public seems to have been made after UKIP suspended his membership, an event he has publicised with the comment “This is a political witch hunt - the UKIP Leadership is clamping down on dissedents [sic]”. And in showing, unedited, the letter he received from the party, he has also doxxed himself.
Why has he been suspended? Two reasons are given: one, that he spread the allegedly confidential information that Batten is to step down as leader in early July, and two, that he reported UKIP to the Police. The letter Goodliffe received from UKIP claims his reporting of the party is “based on rumours and hearsay”, and asserts “I can assure you that UKIP has not committed any criminal actions, whether deliberately or inadvertently”.
So that’s all right, then. Except Goodliffe claims that he was advised to go to the cops by the party’s legal team. So what’s he alleging? “The issue was vast sums in unreceipted expenses were claimed”. So he reported the party to the cops for that? “What for trying to cover that up? Let me think....that was our money, the members money so err yes I did”.
What is Goodliffe describing? If it’s just expenses fraud, then it’s no big deal and the only organisation that’s going to be harmed is UKIP itself. However, and here we encounter a significantly sized however, if the sums involved really are “vast”, it would not take many such claims to show up in UKIP’s finances - and indeed damage them.
If UKIP’s financial state remains unaffected, then the money to pay those “vast” expenses would have to be paid in first. Can anyone smell money laundering? Because that’s where my Occam’s Razor is pointing right now. And that would explain the determination of the party’s management to clamp down on anyone trying to blow the whistle.

Darrell Goodliffe may have done honest politics a big favour, maybe without knowing it. As for UKIP, it’s a spent force. But perhaps with a little added entertainment value.
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