Tuesday 2 April 2019

Nazi Paedophile Guilty - Far Right Silent

Those out there on the far right like to tell the world that they are hot on child sexual exploitation. To this end, the likes of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, rocks up at trials of those accused of such crimes, but only if they are Muslims. Just how selective the far right is when it comes to  CSE has been thrown into sharp contrast after the various trials of Nazi creep Jack Renshaw ended.
Jack Renshaw - paedophile with murderous intent

Renshaw, unlike Lennon and his pals, was an out and out full-on racist, whose hatred was mainly channelled into anti-Semitism. He affected the demeanour of a homophobe and claimed to be a forthright opponent of anyone dabbling in child porn, and especially paedophilia. In reality, he was himself homosexual, and groomed young children.

In addition to all that, he declared to his pals that he was going to murder West Lancashire’s Labour MP Rosie Cooper, and for good measure somehow involve a WPC who had rumbled his grooming activities. He would kill her, too. But one of his pals was aghast at the idea of him killing MPs and cops, and so shopped him.

This is where Hope Not Hate came in. The former pal of Renshaw’s, Robert Mullen, went to HnH with details of Renshaw’s plot - that, as the BBC has reported, “if he was charged by police, he would make a political statement by killing his local MP Rosie Cooper … He had already bought a gladius machete - a Roman short sword - to carry out the murder”.

There was more. “Hostages would be taken, he elaborated, and he would lure a female detective who was investigating him to the scene by demanding to speak to her. He would then kill her as well”. As regards the gathering in the Friar Penketh pub (a Spoons in Warrington), “None of those around the table challenged Renshaw, and two of them even suggested alternative targets, namely the then home secretary and a synagogue”.
But for the far right, what they will not want to hear about Renshaw is “For nearly a year he had been using a fake Facebook profile to sexually groom two boys, who were aged between 13 and 15 at the time … Despite not meeting the children, he offered them money for sex and requested intimate photographs. Police were alerted after a relative saw messages on one of the boy's phones”. So were the far right at his trial?

You jest. As with those in and around the EDL who were caught and convicted of CSE over the years, their far right pals don’t want to know. They don’t chase those people out of their organisations. They don’t demand new laws so that they can find out if their pals include paedophiles. That’s just a label they stick on to Muslims.

Meanwhile, HnH had to whisk Robert Mullen away for his own safety. Because shopping paedophiles who harbour murderous intent is alien to the far right. If it’s one of their own.
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  1. You know, when you take into account there are at most a few thousand people in the EDL... there sure are statistically a huge number of nonces. Its as if the far right (EDL/BNP/Pediga/Fer Britan/UKIP's latest influx) is full of paedophiles. They are nonce central.

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow2 April 2019 at 21:00

    Maybe your photo flatters him, Tim. If not, he can surely be forgiven, in common with so many of his ilk, for imagining he was a member of the Master Race.

  3. He looks like your average Murdoch/Rothermere employee.
