Tuesday 15 January 2019

Paris Gas Blast - Katie Hopkins Blames Muslims

A huge explosion at a bakery in central Paris last weekend killed at least four people, including two firefighters. By all accounts, it was caused by a build-up of gas following a leak. As the BBC has reported, “In the immediate aftermath, overturned cars and debris from other shop fronts littered the street in front of the burning bakery as people stood around, looking stunned by the force of the explosion”.
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There was more. “The Hubert bakery at 6, rue de TrĂ©vise was not due to be open at the time of the blast, Le Parisien newspaper reports … A gas leak had been reported in the building and firefighters had been on their way to deal with it when the explosion occurred”. The Beeb report also mentions, ominously, “One Paris counsellor has pointed out that the city's gas network is in ‘a catastrophic state’”.
The Local reported thatParis city councillor Alexandre Vesperini has called into question the safety of the French capital’s gas network, describing it as ‘rundown’ and ‘poorly managed’ … ‘I have to point out that the network, set up at the start of the 20th century, is a veritable ticking time bomb … Saturday’s explosion reminded me of another one that took place in the 6th arrondissement in 2016 which left several people injured’”.
Also, there had been two further gas explosions in the recent past in central Paris. But, as so often, pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins knew better than everyone else. As there was a significant Muslim population in Paris, and three men with Muslim-sounding names had been charged in connection with a gas blast in Leicester, then as far as she was concerned, there could only be one cause, and that was the Scary Muslims™.
So it was that she told her adoring followers “Explosion in central Paris ahead of #ActeIX #GiletsJaunes Circumstances unclear … French TV suggest this is a gas leak at a bakery”. Nudge nudge, wink wink, a nod’s as good as a wink, know what I mean? Hatey Katie’s followers knew exactly what she meant. Was it really a gas leak?
Whistle those doggies! “Yeah like the supposed fridge in Grenfell I really believe it was gas … here's the point, WHO can say for SURE it's not an islamic act, when the threat is EVERYWHERE? … It's deliberate. Entire Europe lost the plot under islamists …  When India told the world about Islamic terrorism they use [sic] to laugh at [sic] off …  But see now the ugly face of Islamic terrorism …  At least now Europe should wake up”.

It was exactly as she would have wished: frighten the mob and stoke that paranoia. They were all coming to get us. And for those still not getting her drift, she very pointedly juxtaposed the Leicester explosion - an attempted insurance fraud - with the Paris one, telling “From a British perspective ‘gas explosions’ are seldom what they seem”.
All she then needs to do is to sit back and watch the Wall Of Gammon™ go conspiracy theory apeshit over Muslims, migrants, Sharia Law, Halal, Hijab, the Qur’an, anything that doesn’t sound totally ENGLISH and WHITE. In other words, the usual hate speech.

The world of Katie Hopkins must be a strange and unsettling place. All that hatred, racist bigotry, intolerance and paranoia. It’s the intellectual equivalent of Siberia - everyone knows where it is, but no-one wants to go there.
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  1. Then there was that has explosion in Wallasey......Very strange......

    Get Big Nose Kate on the case. She'll sort it.

    Or something.

  2. There was an accident at the end of my street this morning that was a little strange (the driver was wearing a dressing gown and fluffy slippers, although it could have been some sort of religious garb, and there were a couple of school kids on board too - grooming, maybe?), and last week the binmen left the lids off all the bins after they were emptied (possibly so that suicide bombers could hide inside and be smuggled into areas where the couldn't go unless they were hidden in wheelie bins).

    Makes you think...

  3. Please stop using the picture of a cat with a tinfoil hat on, it's disrespectful to cats.
