Thursday 30 August 2018

Jewish Labour Members Targeted

It seems the veiled threat made against Opera Holland Park’s General Director Michael Volpe, after he revealed that he had joined the Labour Party, was not an isolated occurrence: now news has appeared which shows Jewish Labour Party members, including MPs, are being targeted, with not merely a range of abusive comments, but the distinctly creepy suggestion that they be put under surveillance.
Sharon Klaff and Ambrosine Shitrit gain the implicit endorsement of someone who should know better

The revelation has come from the ever-vigilant Jo Phillips, whose first reaction was “Solidarity to Jewish Labour Party members. I genuinely didn't appreciate that folks might be getting pressure or abuse to leave the Labour Party from within the Jewish community this is awful”. What had repulsed her was singularly disturbing.
In this video Sharon Klaff describes Jews who support Corbyn as ‘useful idiots’, compares Corbyn to Hitler and likens Jews who support Corbyn to ‘those that helped the Gestapo’. Shocking … Ambrosine [Shitrit] and Jonathan Hoffman are joining in with abuse”. Ms Shitrit is a well-known fringe figure, and utterly vicious in her behaviour.
So it should come as no surprise to see that she has told “Labour has always been a party of Jew and Israel hating imbeciles … They destroyed our economy, spent all our gold, destroyed our education system, and took us to hell and back for every decade they were in power. That’s indeed when they paid for the utilities, sitting in darkness with candles as their union friends went on strike and as kids not being able to take a hot bath or cook”.
Thus her tenuous relationship with reality: Labour only ever managed one “decade in power”, and those power cuts to which she alludes happened during the last days of Ted Heath’s Government. A Tory Government. But it’s the threats which are truly nasty.

Ms Shitrit goes on to say “When you have Jews still clinging on to a racist fascist Labour Party with Wes Streeting flip-flopping … clinging on to his paycheck [?] and still bleating about Corbyn … There is no hope for them. They’ve lost the plot … Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk. Sympathy for you has finished in my eyes 3 years ago - Smeeth Berger and Katz should be ashamed”. Ri-i-i-i-ight.
Ruth Smeeth and Luciana Berger - yes, they are Labour MPs, but who is “Katz”? Does she mean Ian Katz, formerly of the Guardian? He’s not an MP, or indeed the holder of any elective office. If he was a Labour member, he kept it pretty quiet.
Luciana Berger - threatened

That is nasty enough, but in a discussion forum, another poster asserts “anyone who claims to support Labour whilst being Jewish needs investigating, including Luciana Berger. Plus, I found a Jewish Corbyn supporter on a Rabbi’s page last night. He needs surveillance”. No. Just no. That is totally out of order.
Small wonder Ms Phillips concludes “I had no idea that this was part of the experience of Jewish Labour members too. It's dreadful. What awful times we are in … Let’s join together to 1) eliminate antiSemitism in our Party completely 2) resist and call out hate, wherever it comes from”. Absolutely 100% correct.

Once again, this is spinning out of control. Someone has got to call a stop to it.
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  1. Tim,

    It's not going to stop.

    It's going to get worse, much worse.

    There will be different smears too. It's how far right fanatics work. Their insanity* is nothing if not highly predictable.

    You might as well get used to it.

    *I don't use that word lightly.

  2. Brighton based Jewish anti-racist/anti-zionist campaigner Tony Greenstein has compiled a "Rogues gallery" of well known zionist thugs in the greater London area.

    Not surprisingly Klaff and Shitrit are among them, listed numbers 18 and 19.There are photographs of both of them addressing a Pegida UK rally.

    Both are also shown in the company of Paul Besser of Britain First, the minisule but infamous racist and Islamophobic group

    Shirit is also involved in a campaign to stop a Shia Muslim mosque from being built on the site of the former Hippodrome in Golders Green.

    As one might expect those who promote the fake Labour anti-semetism narrative are always the most vicious Islamophobes themselves.

    Messrs Hoffman, Millet and Collier are also to be found in the gallery.

  3. The reference may be to Mike Katz, of the "Jewish Labour Movement" (JLM).

    According to the following account, from 2017, you don't have to be Jewish to be a member of the JLM, and Jews who don't share theJLM's views of Zionism and Israel are not welcome:


  4. Ambrosine Yolanda Shitrit, or Chetrit, whatever she is choosing to call herself this week, has a long history of threatening, bullying, lying, vile behaviour, and playing dirty tricks against anyone who disagrees with her and her rabid right wing, pro Israel, full on Zionist views. She plays victim yet she is the aggressor.

    No doubt Tim will be a target now he's exposed her. She's the lowest of the low. Added to all that she's not very bright.

    She has had literally dozens of Twitter accounts suspended for abuse and for making fake accounts of others in order to bully.

    She has supported UKIP and supported the EDL and Tommy Robinson.

    Currently she is tweeting as @AntisemitismEye as well as sockpuppet accounts.

    She pretends to run organisations which combat anti Semitism but are a front for her extremist and anti Muslim views. The 'organisations' are to give her some veneer of credibility, but she's soon rumbled and genuine anti racist organisations want nothing to do with her.

    Her YadbYadUK so-called 'organisation' bit the dust, her Eye on Anti Semitism is hardly making waves.

    Eric Pickles, Shitrit & Klaff, at a Conservative Friends of Israel event? A Tory politician sharing a platform with extremists then? Well well.
