Monday 8 January 2018

Anne Milton - Unfit For Office

Today brings the start of a ministerial reshuffle for Theresa May. Despite few voters still caring who is on her top team, after losing Sir Michael Fondle, knee-stroker extraordinaire and dead cat slinger supreme, and then Damian Grope, Ashley Madison non-member and female party goer toucher-upper with special responsibility for legal threats, there had to be replacements. One of those replacements is set to be Anne Milton.
Anne Milton MP

Who she? Well, Ms Milton has represented the less than totally lucky people of Guildford since 2005, along the way serving as deputy Government chief whip, then as a Minister of State at the DfE and the Equalities Office. She is also a supremely dishonourable and slippery piece of work who, true to form, is now suspected of being behind edits to her Wikipedia entry which have made her back story less embarrassing.

Where Ms Milton might be headed is strongly hinted at from the Wiki edit - which was performed from the House of Commons. Before editing, her entry told of her husband “he also holds a high level position with Virgin Healthcare”. This now reads “who previously served as a director of Virgin Healthcare”. So at 0939 hours today, Ms Milton’s husband’s CV became marginally less difficult for anyone working in the DfH.
Nevertheless, the normally Labour-supporting Mirror has spoken up for her, telling readers “Anne Milton is not a household name. But if we’re reading the runes right, then she will be tomorrow … The obscure Education minister is hotly tipped to replace hapless Jeremy Hunt in the Cabinet reshuffle. And she has all the right qualifications for the job”.

She does? Do go on. “Where Mr Hunt was a former marmalade salesman, Ms Milton was a nurse for 25 years … While Mr Hunt’s only connection with hospitals before becoming Health Secretary was to be born in one, Ms Milton worked her socks off in them … She has experience in medical research and palliative care, and knows the Royal College of Nursing and National Childbirth Trust inside out, having worked with those too”.
The gushing reached Yellowstone levels as the recommendation concluded “Ms Milton’s Commons’ nickname is Scary Spice. That’s just what the NHS needs if it is to survive and thrive - spicing up after years of neglect … And someone to scare the Government into ensuring it has the resources it needs”. Yeah, right. As if she’d get the NHS more money.

And as for the idea that having worked as a nurse qualifies an MP for a cabinet post - we need look no further than Ms Milton’s pal representing Mid Bedfordshire (yes, it’s her again) Nadine Dorries, who, let us not drive this one around the houses for too long, should never have been allowed into the Commons in the first place.
Oh look, another ex-nurse MP

Moreover, Anne Milton allowed bully and fantasist Dominic Wightman into her tent as a fundraiser. That alone indicates the poorest of judgment. And what Wightman - who, with his pal Glen Jenvey, conned technophobe former MP Patrick Mercer something rotten - got up to within that tent was utterly beyond the pale, as the serially tenacious Tim Ireland of Bloggerheads fame has set out in some detail (see HERE).

It was a bad enough move allowing Anne Milton into the Commons. Giving her a proper ministerial portfolio shows the true depth of the Tory talent pool. Like, there isn’t any.


  1. "Virgin Healthcare" is a contradiction in terms. More like "Virgin Profiteering From Sickness". Nor has Branson any knowledge or interest whatever in public health - or any ability whatever in anything except accepting public assets from his tory chums.

    Milton of course won't take any "health advice" from her sickness-profiteering husband. No sir, not one bit.

    Hunt's big mistake happened a few weeks ago when he bragged on camera that he is (surprise! surprise!) "a tory capitalist". Can't have someone in charge of a vital public service making his corruption too obvious can they? Not that the two faced hypocritical twat fooled any
    body with tneir senses intact.

    Whether it's Hunt, Milton or any of the other tory cowboys makes little difference. The tories are out to destroy the NHS. Whoever fronts the operation is of little consequence except in terms of the usual pr lies, hypocrisy and propaganda.

  2. That photo of Milton......Dear God, is she REAL? How could anybody in their right mind vote for THAT?

    Then again, it IS Guildford......

  3. Imagine waking up in a hospital bed with that Zombie look-alike standing over you.
    I would think I was on the way down to join Thatcher, Pinochet et al.
    Then again it would stop all the bed blocking.
    Is that why they gave her the job?

  4. Gary Barlows Eyes8 January 2018 at 15:24

    Look at that picture of Milton! D'you remember heroin chic? Or is it coke-period Bowie!

    The face of Britain's health, eh? Can't wait for her to start lecturing us on healthy lifestyles.

  5. I can't understand why I wasn't given a position in the recent cabinet reshuffle.

  6. I've had a look at her Wiki page- she is 2 years older than me and as her birthday is in November, she would have commenced training in the January 1974 cohort. It is now 44 years later and we know she hasn't worked as a nurse for at least 12 years and 6 months. Also "25 years" means nothing. I've worked as a nurse for nearly 43 years but I've never done a full week since 1978, I've been part time bank with long stretches away. So her "25 years" means nothing. I know people who have worked full time as a nurse for over 40 years; perhaps we better whack them straight into the House of Lords

    As for knowing the NUN " inside and out"- she was a shop steward. With all due respect to the NUN and Midwifery Council, being a shop steward for a professional body is nothing like an SS in something like UNITE or the RMT.

    As for being against the full smoking ban- that just about sums her up.

  7. I am reliably informed Milton has her hair styled in a food mixer full of brown yogurt.

    While standing on a bare electrical cable. Fully charged.

  8. Sorry, I meant RCN, Not NUN.

  9. At 09:39 on 08/01, the text was changed from "he also holds a high level position with Virgin Healthcare" to "who previously served as a director of Virgin Healthcare". But note that the "high level position" text only came into being at 09:10 the same day. The previous text, added five weeks before, didn't mention Virgin Healthcare at all. As far as I can see from the VH site, Graham Henderson is not currently a member of the board. Is somebody trying to forestall criticism, taking a couple of goes to get it right, or what?

  10. I'd always wondered what happened to Zelda from Terrahawks once the TV series finished.

    So old Zelda became the Tory MP for Guildford. Should have guessed.

  11. So self styled "tory capitalist" Hunt now adds "social care" to the ministerial portfolio.

    Stand by for homeless to be charged pavement rent in the pavement property market. Plus hospital corridor rent for A & E casualties. Just imagine "entrepreneurial opportoonities" in these "noo markets".

    Canary Wharf and Wall Street will be wanking themselves daft. So will Toby Young.

    Spivvery and thievery from the cradle to the grave: tory Britain 2018.
