Tuesday 25 April 2017

Tommy Robinson Calls

As many of you will know by now, the Zelo Street house had an unexpected - and unwanted - visitor last night. In fact, there were three visitors: former EDL head man Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon, plus two of his pals. Why Robinson should need to turn up on someone else’s doorstep in dead of night with two accomplices I will leave to others to draw their own conclusions.
Tommy Robinson

That Robinson’s appearance was designed to intimidate cannot be in any doubt: there was loud and persistent banging at the front door, high-intensity lights were shone into the front windows, and when I went to see what was kicking off - it wasn’t going to be an election canvasser or the Witnesses at 2200 hours - one of those high-intensity lights was shone into my face as Robinson introduced himself.
He wanted to ask me one question. He claimed I had “written lies about him”. He would come back, and keep coming back, until I answered him, which suggests someone has sufficient time and money on his hands to keep on making 300 mile round trips to Crewe on the off-chance of finding someone at home. After the front door was shut in his face, the hammering and shouting continued. And he kept calling me “Paul”.
Robinson might have thought this was a pretty clever tactic; it served only as a giveaway as to the identity of the so-called “Journalist” who supplied him with my address. In the circumstances, it was necessary to call the Police out, and they duly arrived. Robinson was given information as to what would happen if he persisted with his visits; the officer attending was well aware of Robinson’s illustrious past.
After the Police told Robinson and his fellow thugs what would happen if they kept up their exhibition of harassment, they vanished into the night. All that remained was an undercurrent of leering, cat-calling and other low-level abuse in support of The Great Man on Twitter, many of his “supporters” wholeheartedly approving of his tactics.
A selection of these is included in this post, so readers can appreciate the amount of abuse and barrel-scraping on view: “Maybe it's happy hour at the gay bar … Open the door and talk to him like a man … His mum will answer in a minute Tommy … He will probably block us all or delete his account tomorrow … lets give him hell anyway … Was that it? Did he slink off to mum?” And there was more.
Yes, there was also “he probably still on the toilet still shitting himself haahaa … It says on his time line 'chill time' so I guess he is hiding behind the fridge … Have a damn good wash when you get home Tommy, that place looks like it needs fumigating dirty rank lefties”. Robinson himself continues to claim “His names [sic] actually paul”.

Tommy Robinson has also threatened to turn up again this evening. Meanwhile, all those august defenders of free speech in and around the media establishment have for some mysterious reason fallen silent. I’m sure they have their reasons.


  1. That's big brave Christopher Stephen Yaxley Lennon aka Tommy Robinson, Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris? Not the first time he's arrived on a doorstep with intent to intimidate.

    He has many claims to infamy, kicking an off duty police officer in the head who tried to intervene in a 'domestic' between Tommy & his partner Jenna Vowles is one.

    That was his first time in jail. Several others since, for thuggery and fraud.

    Oh he's a big brave bad lad is Tommy, arriving mob handed late at night to try to scare, then behaving like a ten year old on Twitter. Pathetic little creep.

  2. The owner of this blog is a coward.

    This isn't the first time Tommy has confronted keyboard warriors in a peaceful and respectful manner. Tommy just wanted to see if you had the minerals to say what you say online, in person.

    You proved him right, you don't. Complete coward.

    1. At ten o clock at night? Aye sure....couldn't he have sent the guy an email? Round my old gaff there was only only reason to turn up at a guys house who wasn't expecting you...

    2. LOL Tommy is a fucking joke. That's why he had to bring his spastic mates. On his own, he's a pussy and a coward. And Tommy is an offending paedophile and woman beater

  3. Him and the EDL is just the story of sad pathetic football hooligans trying to establish some self-worth because the British people know football hooligans to be the lowest form of scum that embarrasses our country.

  4. If you're going to chat shit about someone online and make up lies about them, at least have the decency to explain why. You're a fraud mate. Open the door and be a man.

    1. Love how it's be a man and yet here you HIDING your own identity. The coward IS YOU JUST like the Gurning goblin! Cowards!
      Real men do it in day light one on one. Not late at night with Gammon henchmen!

  5. "You proved him right, you don't. Complete coward."

    Hi Tommy!

  6. "Anonymous" - then why didn't he say it alone? At a normal hour? Pathetic gutless coward.

  7. What a little prat. Who does he think he is?

  8. "...This isn't the first time Tommy has confronted keyboard warriors in a peaceful and respectful manner..."

    Ha ha ha. So says someone who isn't prepared to post their address so I can come round at night with some friends to discuss this in a peaceful and respectful manner".

    (and before someone whines 'you're anonymous too' - I asked first. Should have got in there beforehand, you knuckle-dragging scumbag.

    1. Lol pointing out the hipocracy will fly above their heads...

  9. Sorry mate, but you cant complain. If you choose to put yourself in the public eye, & write about public figures,then they have every right to turn the spotlight on you.

    All that happened is that some journos doorsteped you, a tactic as old as the profession itself.

    They weren't there to beat you up, they merely wanted to talk. You would look much better if you chatted to them and stood up for what you believe in.

    If you run away and hide you give the strong impression that you don't have the courage of your convictions.

    1. "They weren't there to beat you up, they merely wanted to talk."
      The police who attended didn't think so.

    2. Journos? didn't see SJYL get a proper job as a genuine one. At least Hate filled Katie has THAT one distinction.

  10. Why is Tommy posting anonymous comments on this blog? It's clearly his writing style.

    He still has no idea what normal behaviour is does he?

    You want to talk to Mr Fenton, Stephen, make an appointment and don't turn up mob handed to try to frighten at 11 pm.

    If you think he's libelled you, which I doubt, there are laws to help you, you don't take them into your own hands.

    I can imagine what would happen if a few people turned up on YOUR doorstep late at night with their mates... you'd be yelling out in fear.

    Nasty little bully boy.

  11. I love the irony of someone who hides behind the "Anonymous" tag calling other people cowards. No doubt if Robinson would like to explain precisely and in writing what he contends is a lie, providing evidence of that fact, Zelo will in turn be happy to explain his reasoning publicly.

  12. Did I miss something, or has Robinson/ Yaxley been detained for a while? Why has he kicked off now when I don't recall any postings about him recently (or is he just a slow reader). Anything to do with EDL man Andrew Edge being in Crewe on Saturday??

  13. Okani: " If you choose to put yourself in the public eye, & write about public figures,then they have every right to turn the spotlight on you."

    'Spotlight' is a figure of speech; these guys took it literally like someone who doesn't understand metaphor.

  14. This new tactic of the far right of invading the private spaces of people they dont like will only have one ending ! people who dont like them invading their space

    At which point poor Tommy tittle mouse and his pot bellied pound shop storm troopers will scream for the rozzers and go hide under the stairs tweeting anguished sobs about monsters outside his mums door

    1. Stealing the pound shop storm troopers... It beats gammonazi.

  15. There are a lot of anonymous people on here today. What are they afraid of ?

    1. Being seen for the bigots they are or being doorsteped BY the pound land storm trooper and the Gurning Goblin.

  16. Okani - there's such a thing as an E-mail, or phone call, or this comment section. All of which require a fair bit less effort if his points are good. It's intimidation. Yaxley, or whatever his name is this week, is an utter fanny and deserves to have the piss taken out of him.

  17. Hope you're okay Tim. The tactics these bully-boys employ just prove even more then what we already knew that they are cowardly. These are the tactics of cowards.

    Your work is working, Zelo Street along with others are doing exactly what they need to do, reveal the truth and leave the thugs to become desperate.

    Anonymous, how's about you reveal your actual name? I wonder, do you understand irony at all?

  18. Journos? Alternative fact right there.

  19. Sorry to hear you had such a nasty visit, Tim. Having been on the receiving end from the BNP I know what it's like.

    All posters who see fit to write insults and jeers while remaining anonymous need to take a good look at themselves. They're all part of the problem

  20. So what was the police report number given over the incident?

    After all, we only have your uncorroborated word it ever happened.

  21. To any fuckwit saying Tommy was just being a journalist and calling on someone's front door...

    I'm a journalist.

    You don't call on someone's front door at 10pm and you don't do it just because someone wrote 'something nasty' about you.

    If you are going to do it, you do it at a reasonable time and, professionally speaking, to be honest you don't do it at all. You just man up and accept that some people will write things about you you don't agree with. Or if you believe you've been defamed you go through the courts like normal grown ups.

    You certainly don't turn up with an amateur "camera crew" claiming you're being a diligent reporter, hammering on the door and sending inflammatory Twitter threats to your far right followers. Claiming you're doing journalism is clearly bullshit. It's intimidation and even reporters have guidelines against that...

  22. @Anonymous - 25/04/17_14:56

    We've also got Yaxley-Lennon's tweets c/w photos. So not only is it NOT uncorroborated, Yaxley-Lennon's participation in the incident is confirmed by Yaxley-Lennon himself.....with his own evidence.

  23. "All that happened is that some journos doorsteped you"

    A couple of alt-reich wanabe Milo's with a camcorder and a youtube channel does not a "journalist" make.

    Especially when a known, and convicted, violent criminal thug intimidates someone by turning up in the middle of the night.

  24. Sure I read somewhere that 100's of years ago an ideology was started by someone who is alleged to be a paedophile.

    Sure, I also read somewhere that not too long ago the EDL was started by a paedophile.

    It's true, I tell ye. There are books about it all.

    Know what I'm saying!!!!!!!

  25. I've gone native on this....Eighteen months ago, I wouldn't have believed a word Tommy Robinson said, then I watched his Oxford Union vid among other things, and realised that is was "journalists" like yourself who were the ones telling lies.

    Tommy Robinson isn't 'angelic" by any means, but he believes what he stands for, and he does what he says, and the one sided (especially left wing) media just can't get their heads around that.

    Deal with it, because slowly but surely people will realise that Tommy Robinson knows his subject matter intently.

    1. I would ask you to research more deeply into his claims and to really evaluate the evidences he brings. Once you realise the fallacious and hypocritical nature of Robinson and his gang, then you will truly understand their underlying nature and motives.

  26. What miserable bitter lives these people must have. And the braindead 19th century attitudes: 'gay', 'dirty house', be a 'man'.
    Well, you know what to do about this, Tim: work on the belly, get off this blog and onto some porn sites, slap the nearest female, get those net curtains spotless and scrub that front step until you can see your dinner in it.

  27. What is it about EDLers that they always sound like 15 year old boys who have watched a few too many Guy Ritchie/Danny Dyer gangster films?

  28. https://youtu.be/VLjHH3DBj4M Edl aren't racist? So why this chant at Rotherham...

  29. Tommy turned up with Rebel Media Film Crew...not EDL thugs you bullshitter. As we will all see when it gets broadcasted shortly.

    Watch this video of Tommy confronting another troll. He was very reasonable and unthreatening and just asked him to justify his actions.

  30. Did you ask to see his NUJ card?

    I bet they don't give out many of those nowadays!

  31. Tommeh is all mouth, just a bully boy, I'd love to meet him and see how he stands up to my scrutiny of him.

  32. Tommy Robinson, Paul Golding, et al - they're what's wrong with this country - hiding their racist bullshit behind a thin veneer of "patriotism", when most of them are too stupid to spell the word. They're a disgrace to this country and the flag

  33. So Tommy has turned up with some crappy 'film crew' to intimidate a bloke in his own home late at night then post the results on the internet? What a turd.

    You lot get more despicable by the day. If anyone was doing that to Tommy he'd be screaming blue murder and seeking police protection. Bullies, that's all you are, not journalists or 'media'.

    As for watching / reading Tommy (see above) I've done that for a very long time, a mouthpiece for others, a puppet, he's a far right agitator, a thug, who has no grasp of his subject at all. He's just too thick to know how stupid he is and those he fools are even more dumb. And yes I'm posting anon. I've been harassed by far right thugs too, and I haven't forgotten the murder of Jo Cox.

    Indeed, I haven't forgotten either all those slaughtered by Anders Breivik, who read people like Tommy and his crazed and malevolent ramblings and thought killing innocent kids was a good plan.

    I read what Zelo Street said about Tommy and I thought he was quite mild about him. I'd have said far worse, and all of it would be true.

    Suck it up Tommy. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being, and if you want to spread hate, don't get upset when people point out what a hateful creature you are.

  34. So Yaxley-Lennon proposes to broadcast the evidence of his activities? I'm sure the police will be watching with interest.

  35. If you weren't such a coward Paul ( everyone is aware that's your real name) and had responded to him when he contacted you on twitter about your attack piece that was rife with falsehoods, instead of blocking him this would not have happened. It syas a lot about you that you were unable to defend your article.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Tommy Robinson, or Stephen Lennon, or Paul Harris, is a convicted criminal looking to profit off people's fears. He and his hypocritical cronies mask themselves as supposed 'bastions' of free speech, but as soon as someone dare dare criticise them, they are deemed as 'fake news'. I expect nothing less than this thuggerish display of behaviour from this clown. Good on the police for doing their job properly.

  38. As well as being a dangerous thug, what an absolute moron Mr Robinson is.

  39. Tommy Robinson claiming on video that Mr Fenton is using a fake name? You have to laugh! Driving without due care & attention is, however, no laughing matter.

    I hope police see this?


    What a deluded tool he is.

  40. For those who are confused, like many people Mr. Fenton has two "real" names and like virtually all of those others he chooses to use just one of them. No mystery or cover up or fake indentity. Like the others, I assume he feels that using both would be cumbersome or pretentious. Or make him sound like a tacky hairdresser.

    Why the other party to the argument chooses to use a made up name is something you will have to decide yourselves............

  41. Can Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon tell us why he has a passport in the name of Paul Harris?

  42. I expect *you'd* get an alias if you had a name like Yaxley ......

    (Sorry, Tommy, just a bit of free speech and all that).

  43. To those being disingenuous pretending not to know why Tommy uses a different name.....could it be that he has had over 200 threats on his life, in the last month alone I have sean several people threaten to kill his children. It is of public record that the Police have put him on 3 osman warnings, due to their own intelligence leading them to believe that a serious threat to his life existed. In 2013 a group of muslim men whe4re convicted for going to one of his rallies to blow him up.

    Hope that helps

  44. @Paul Smith
    It doesn't surprise me one bit.
    It wouldn't surprise me if Tommy Robinson got death threats from Jehovah's Witnesses.

  45. My goodness, the pathetic Milo wannabes are out in force! What a joke you few are.

    EDL and their thug apologists are weak, cowardly and scared of their own shadows. They think they should lash out and treat everyone else as objects. Well, the 'objects' fight back, with fair comments and facts, and the thugs (or thug, the Anonymous accounts are likely one or two people) can't do a damn thing about it.

    You won't intimidate anyone, apologists. You're not strong-willed enough for that.

  46. Can Paul Smith tell us why Tommy uses the name Paul Harris on his passport? And who is Andrew?

    I'm sure that turning up on @Zelo_Street's door, abusing him on Twitter, lying to his thick thuggish about what he's supposed to have said, and claiming he's going to post a video on a far right website identifying his home won't bring threats to Tim Fenton then? Or is that OK by you?

  47. Tommy certainly has a disturbed sense of logic.
    When someone turns up at 10pm, it's one of three things:
    1) a relative coming home late from a night out
    2) the police, probably to report that something happened to a relative on a night out
    3) some disgruntled malcontent aiming to confront another person for no other reason other than to put the thumbscrews on.
    In my experience, no-one ever turns up at 10pm in a calm, reserved manner and immediately asks for a cup of tea!


  48. is tommy robinson a racist for criticising an idealogy? Am i a racist if i say that some of the ideas of scientology are crazy? or the idea that it's ok to stone a woman to death for being raped is wrong?

    it's all well and good making underhand remarks about the type of man tommy robinson is but those of us who have followed him know that he is no racist. Indeed, by most standards he is a hero - sacrificing his personal life and well being for something that he believes is wrong. and it bloody is wrong. get on your high horse about Islam to the 1,400 rape victims in Rotherham, or the Christians in the middle east forced to convert or die.

    im not EDL thug as you and your friends would no doubt seek to label me. I am a well educated man who lives in London - I am not blinded by ignorance or hate. I take issue with an idealogy that claims superiority over justice and freedom of thought. As you should too if you are liberal. Unfortunately you represent the new definition of liberal where anyone who doesnt agree with your exact position must be a racist. You are doing nothing other than removing any value that word once had. We see through you.

  49. Mr Fenton does not believe that the white working class should talk back.

  50. Do you people really think this coward would have given a "racist bigot" the time of day had he politely requested a formal interview? Behave. No law was broken; sure it may have been intimidating but what do you expect if you slander someone's character on a national scale? Wouldn't you want answers?

    I understand the perception many of you have of Tommy. I used to think the same way myself, until I stopped buying into the media narrative and actually listened to what he was saying.

    You don't have to agree with him, you don't have to like him but I urge you all to just listen to his argument. This "no platform for hate" nonsense gets us nowhere, in fact, it only pushes people with genuine concerns to the true extremes of the spectrum.

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
