Thursday 11 August 2016

Simon Danczuk’s Trump Moment

Can Rochdale’s still nominally Labour MP Simon Danczuk do anything to make him even more ridiculed and detested than at present, even after his antics with a 22-year-old woman were plastered across the Super Soaraway Currant Bun, followed by the almost obligatory confession and claim that he was going to get help, even though he claimed that twice before, and both times failed to deliver? He certainly can.
Not only can Spanker Si equal that level of ridicule, he can go one better, by channelling the increasingly bizarre and wayward antics of Republican Party Presidential nominee Donald Trump, and thus bring a Transatlantic and genuinely wacko tone to proceedings, as well as hastening the day when the Labour Party finally run out of patience with him and expel the clown. The catalyst was nomination for Greater Manchester Mayor.

Danczuk made no secret that, whoever won the nomination, he did not want it to go to Andy Burnham. Burnham won. The Rochdale Constituency Labour Party - the one in Danczuk’s own backyard - was instrumental in this. But for Spanker Si, the penny refused to drop. Then, the increasingly bizarre Trump campaign threw out another bizarre moment as The Donald suggested shooting Hillary Clinton might be A Good Thing.

Well, what Trump could do, Danczuk could surely do better. And so it came to pass, as the soon-to-be-former Labour Party member Tweeted out a photo of failed Mayoral nominee Tony Lloyd, which had been taken as part of a recent amnesty on firearms. To the photo of Lloyd and all that firepower he commented “Looks like Tony Lloyd isn't going to take the Greater Manchester Labour Mayoral election result lying down”.
It must have seemed funny at the time, or maybe the previous evening after another series of suitably strong sherbets had passed his lips. But coming alongside the Trump faux pas, and the recent memory of Jo Cox’s tragic death in the last days of the Referendum campaign, it went down like the proverbial cup of cold sick. The highly sound people at Rochdale Online reportedDanczuk’s ‘appalling’ Tweet triggers outrage”.

There was more: “Disgraced Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk has plumbed new depths - this time with an ‘appalling’ tweet … Social media has exploded with people furious with Danczuk, who believe the 'joke' to be ‘very bad taste’ considering the recent murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was shot dead in her constituency, and the gun-related terror attacks taking place in Europe”. And the exploits of the clown Trump.

His opponents were not backward in coming forward: “Local Liberal Democrat leader, Councillor Andy Kelly said: ‘It is especially insensitive when you consider that it has only been weeks since the death of Labour MP Jo Cox … Danczuk has now cemented his place as the most toxic, lurid and mercenary politician in Britain … I would now ask whether the local Labour Party, led by Council Leader Richard Farnell, will finally condemn him?’” Farnell, Danczuk’s loyal pal, is now in one of those extremely difficult positions.

Of course, Farnell could have the whole thing dealt with at national level - by the party expelling Danczuk. Maybe that moment could happen sooner rather than later. Then Spanker Si can have a Stateside break and watch Donald Trump making an even bigger clown of himself. Yes, somewhere in the world is someone worse than him.

1 comment:

  1. Well in Danksuck, a fully paid up member of the New Labour thieves.

    Which is why of course it is taking so long to expel him.

    But he's not a lone NL fanatic. There's quite a few of them "worthy" of deselection too. All that's necessary is to flush them out. And then preferably down the toilet and into the tory sewer.
