Sunday 3 July 2016

Top Six - July 3

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I have places to go and people to see later. So there.
6 Michael Gove - No, No, No, No, NoOiky” Gove is not fit to be allowed into Downing Street. And neither is his wife.

5 Sun Brexit Incitement Busted The Murdoch doggies celebrated the EU referendum vote - by letting the world know that this was now a paper only for white people who speak English.

4 Simon Danczuk’s Consultant REVEALED Guess who was now on the public payroll? Rochdale’s MP is going to have some explaining to do in response to the latest complaint to Parliamentary watchdog IPSA.

3 Corbyn - Hodges In Trouble Less than a fortnight after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, the not at all celebrated blues artiste Whinging Dan Hodges put his name to an article whose headline demanded that the Labour leader be killed. Classy stuff.

2 Corbyn Lunge Lies Exposed The Labour leader may be doing a less than good job, and he may not be the world’s most instinctive or natural media performer, but that is no excuse for the Sun and Telegraph to invent a story about him “lunging” at an ITN reporter. Which he did not.

1 Boris Admits Vote Leave Lied In his “chicken feed” generating Telegraph column, London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson made his pitch for the Tory leadership. And what he pitched delivered precisely none of the promises made during the referendum campaign.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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