Wednesday 24 June 2015

Don’t Menshn Charlotte Church

The HuffPostUK had what it clearly believed was a Twitter fight to report on yesterday - except that, when the story was given a little careful attention, it could be seen that it was not a fight after all, but a petulant outburst of trolling in a vain attempt at attention seeking. The one not taking part, singer Charlotte Church, maintained her dignity throughout. The one trolling, (thankfully) former Tory MP Louise Mensch, most certainly did not.
(c) Doc Hackenbush 2014

Charlotte Church And Louise Mensch Engage In Fiery Twitter Row About Austerity … The feud between Louise Mensch and Charlotte Church just turned ultra nasty … A fresh war of words erupted after Church Tweeted of her pride in having taken part in the anti-austerity rally in London on Saturday” told Sara Nelson at the HuffPost. Er, no it didn’t.
Ms Church did not debate with the former MP at any time, and this can be clearly seen by taking the Twitter feeds in sequence, as is done here. The singer told her followers “So proud to have marched with 250,000 people against austerity. Here's the transcript of my speech in Parliament Sq” on Saturday evening. The following evening she signed off with “All of the narrow minded trolls, I'm bored now. I hope you can try and work out the Stockholm Syndrome stuff you have going on”.
Even on Monday afternoon, as Ms Church mused “The thing I find interesting with the uptight right is, if they are so individualistic, why does what I think bother them so much? Genuinely”, there was nothing from Lou-You-Know-Who. Only yesterday morning, unprompted, the member for the distant constituency of Manhattan Upmarket sneered “hahahaha get back in the ‘VIP area’ of the ‘austerity protest’ you useless hypocrite”.
There was more. Rather a lot more: “My God but @charlottechurch's feed is a car crash isn't it? Reading it you wonder if Labour will ever win again #RussellBrand #VIPtent”. Would Madam like to make a little more sense? Maybe not: “Hey @CharlotteChurch the #antiausterityprotest was only 25,000 people according to @metpoliceuk … you lose again”. You’re nearly three days late, Louise. Whatever. She wasn’t done yet.
There was the politics Amateur Hour to come: “Hilarious that @CharlotteChurch calls the NHS 'underfunded' when for two elections running @Conservatives given it more funds than @UKLabour”. That’s what reading English Language and Literature at Oxford gets you. Then came the pièce de résistance: “It's almost as if @CharlotteChurch was an overpaid bolinger bolshevik who didn't have a fucking clue #hmmm #moron”.
It might have been moderately amusing, if only she could have spelt Bollinger correctly. In any case, why rant at someone who’s not listening? “Never noticed her before but saw an RT of her moaning at @screwlabour then browsed her hypocritical feed”. So that makes no sense, either. All that was left was for Ms Church to sign off “I 'm so pleased to have pissed off both Katie Hopkins and @LouiseMensch”, without needing to take part.

There wasn’t a row, HuffPost people. It was just puerile trolling. And the troll lost. Remember, folks, they let her become an MP. And someone let her into Oxford University.


  1. I'm amazed that there's someone around who takes Met police protest numbers seriously. (I thought they'd stopped doing them because they were being laughed at too much as the microscopic fantasy that they were)

  2. If someone who worked as a (classical?) music PR in the 90's has only just noticed Charlotte Church (debut album 'Voice Of An Angel' reached No 1 in 1998, youngest artist ever to do so, etc, etc) they must have been *really* busy 'dancing with Nigel Kennedy', as it were. Ahem.

  3. Take the number you first assessed the crowds at - then divide by 10!

  4. @ Matt

    I think the heavy metal ingested (let alone other substances) during the 80s far outweighed any classical "leanings". And the effects still appear to be visible and growing. Sad really, but keeps us Zelo St readers entertained by kind permission of Tim.

    It makes one wonder why Rupert M indulges her, as it cannot be great fun for Abell, Kavanagh, Dunn & Co's reputation to be thought, and possibly paid, on a similar level as this so called "journalist" even if they themselves have to produce on orders from above?

    I wonder if she has passed the Norman Tebbit "baseball test"? She does seem to be obsessed with the UK still.

  5. It's almost as if Louise Mensch is an attention seeking vacuous moth, drawn to starting controversy because she has nothing inside.

  6. Oh dear, so much anger and bitterness in one person. Sad.

  7. "The Tories spent more on the NHS at the last 2 elections than Labour"? seems an odd claim to make, since having failed to win the last two elections, Labour have had very litle say in how much money the NHS gets. A bit like McDonalds boasting of having spent more on cattle farms than the cows have
