Friday 13 March 2015

Miliband Kitchen - Press Hypocrisy

The Super Soaraway Currant Bun was triumphant as it told readersED Miliband’s attempts to paint himself as a man of the people collapsed last night - as it emerged he has two kitchens in his posh home. The Labour leader had posed for tea with wife Justine in a small room with sink and oven … But he was previously shot in a bigger kitchen in the £2 million London pad he shares with Justine and their kids”.
This man is very dangerous indeed. Allegedly

Actually, Mil The Younger and family were “shot” in what looks like a living room, or maybe dining room, but somehow the Labour bashing fraternity within the Fourth Estate has become fixated. The Mail waded in: “The revelation opened up the Labour leader to claims that he was trying to make his family life look more humble than it is, even though his home is reputed to be worth £2.5million”.

House price inflation in Primrose Hill, eh? Half a million on a town house overnight! But, as Jon Stewart might have said, two things here. One, the only people suggesting Miliband is trying “to paint himself as a man of the people” are the hacks kicking him. And two, having your house’s kitchen facilities spread over two rooms is not exactly novel. This also happens at the Zelo Street house here in Crewe.

Extra fridge and freezer space, along with the washing machine, dishwasher, and dryer, occupy a separate utility room. Don’t the press live in the real world? Well, not when it comes to kicking politicians they can’t bend to their will, it seems. And the thought enters that those shilling for Young Dave and his jolly good chaps are skating on very thin ice when it comes to talking comparative kitchens.

Because, however the Miliband house is fitted out, the Labour leader and his wife shelled out for it themselves. So it cost We The People the princely sum of Zero Pounds. This stands in stark contrast to Cameron, who has billed the taxpayer purse - with not a peep from the folks who are now laying into Miliband - for well north of half a million notes for updating the facilities at 10 Downing Street.

In fact, according to the deeply subversive Guardian, Cameron “has spent more than £680,000 of public money renovating Downing Street in the year that his government inflicted the biggest ever spending cuts across the public sector”. Jolly good sheow! This was “including £30,000 for work he and his wife, Samantha, carried out on the No 11 flat last summer. The centrepiece of their revamp was the kitchen”.

And that’s in addition to Dave and Sam’s reassuringly upmarket constituency pile, with all its facilities, including wisteria … and kitchens. Thus the mark of a real “man of the people”, at least as far as the Sun and Mail are concerned. But woe betide Miliband and wife furnishing their own house, at their own expense, the way they want.

But look on the bright side: less than two more months of this vacuous, sniping, puerile rubbish to go. Unless Labour win, in which case there’ll then be another five years of it.

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