Friday 6 February 2015

Myleene Klass - Hero To Villain

Slebs get to find out just how much the press thinks of them the hard way, and they don’t get any say in the matter when the tide turns, or, in the case of Myleene Klass, is forcibly turned against them. Last November, a Telegraph pundit was cheering her as “A great immigrant success story”. Yesterday, another of them was telling the former Hear’Say singer to “keep quiet and cough up”.
Myleene Klass

What has happened to bring about this change? Ah well. In November, it was Mil The Younger on the receiving end of Ms Klass’ ire. This, for the Tel, was not only acceptable, it was to be lauded. “Singer Myleene Klass ‘wipes the floor’ with Ed Miliband over mansion tax … Singer Myleene Klass went 'full Paxman' on the Labour leader during a TV debate in a stunning annihilation of his mansion tax policies” drooled the hacks.

Allison Pearson followed that up by telling readersNo ditzy dimbo she. The daughter of an Austrian father and a Filipino nurse, Klass was born in Norfolk to an aspirational family. She began to learn piano and violin at the age of four. At 12, she added harp to her repertoire”. The Tel also made available a video from PMQs, where, it told, “David Cameron ridicules Ed Miliband over Myleene Klass ‘pasting’”.

Yeah, Myleene Klass was dead good! The fact that her assertion that you couldn’t buy much more than a garage in London for less than £2 million was bunk was not allowed to enter. She had been supremely useful in promoting the paper’s Labour-bashing agenda. But now that she’s been caught breaking the confidences of her fellow parents at her daughters’ private school, it’s all so different.

After the Tel told readersMyleene Klass shames 'bonkers' parents for seeking birthday present donations … Classic FM presenter posts tongue-in-cheek reply on Instagram after receiving 'bonkers' email suggesting parents donate money for children's birthday Kindle”, the loathsome Toby Young respondedMylene [sic] Klass should keep quiet and cough up. Life's bleak enough without shopping for kids”.

Tobes put her straight: “I have four children under 12, each in a class of 30, and the custom is for each of their classmates to invite all the others to their birthday parties. So that’s 116 parties my children are invited to each year, and 116 presents I have to find. If one of their parents suggested I simply give their child £10 instead I would fall to my knees and thank God”. And that breach of confidence did not go down well at the Mail.

Irate parents have confronted Myleene Klass in the playground at her daughter's private school after she mocked them online in a row over donations towards birthday gifts. The DJ and musician was harangued by other middle-class mothers on the school run who accused her 'betraying' them by leaking private emails online” told the paper. Ms Klass wants them to talk to her privately. Not like she did with them.

Acceptable attention-seeking has its limits. Best stick to Labour bashing, Ms K.


  1. Ever get the feeling tobes is again making stuff up to make a point?

    No class of 30 is so loved up that every child is friends with every other is inconceivable to believe every child invites every other child to 8 birthday parties. Even less so for 4 siblings.

    Tobes should learn to keep quiet once in a while, rather than prove time afer time he is no.more than an internet troll..

  2. To be honest, I'm finding it quite hard to feel sorry for her. For one thing, she's acted with no thought for her child, either - the hierarchy of the playground is a vicious one, and I doubt parents will take too kindly to their children socialising with her children if they now know it will bring them humiliation in the press.

  3. In this fibre optic age, what goes around, comes around a lot quicker than it used to, doesn't it?

    Personaly I thought it was a good idea - instead of loads of throwaway prezzies, put all that cash together and buy a significant item that stands the test of time and hopefully learn the reward of patience, saving and having a plan.
