Sunday 10 August 2014

Sayeeda Warsi Excoriates Weekday Bloggers

Following her resignation from the Government last week, Sayeeda Warsi has lost no time in addressing some of the more fanciful accusations made against her as the saga was spun by those who dislike her, but, being of less than perfect courage, were unable to identify themselves, or hid behind the cover of group blogs. Sadly for those opponents, Warsi remains rational and consistent.
Sayeeda Warsi

In interviews carried by the Sunday Times and Independent on Sunday, but not by the Mail on Sunday – you’ll see why very soon – she confirms her loyalty to the Tory leadership, and that she will be campaigning for a Conservative majority next year. So that’s Andrew Pierce’s lame suggestion that she might defect to Labour seen off, then. Pierce really is a useless pundit.

But her sharpest rebuke is directed elsewhere: “I don't care if they say they disagreed with me. I don't care if they can't stand me. That's fine. What I won't have them do, when you work 10 times as hard as anyone else to get to where you got to, is to get there and hear: 'She can't really do the job.' It sends out the wrong message out for other people who want to do this. Some of the bitchiest women I've ever met in my life are the men in politics”. Ouch!

That would be the small but vocal minority of Tory MPs who have experienced such discomfort at the prospect of someone who is both a woman and a Muslim being allowed to attend Cabinet, but not having been elected to Parliament. Others from the Lords have done so, and continue to do so. Someone has a problem here.
Fart in lift inquiry postponed until Monday

And someone who has had a problem with Warsi’s presence from day one has been the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog. Warsi wasted little time on them: “I worry about being on the wrong side of history rather than being on the wrong side of some two-bit right-wing blog site”. Ouch again! So where is the swift and decisive retaliation of The Great Guido?

Put simply, it isn’t: despite Staines’ tame gofer, the odious flannelled fool Henry Cole, and his newly anointed teaboy Alex Wickham being worryingly thin-skinned, there has not yet been a peep from the Fawkes blog. But then, the only post there since Friday afternoon – and that was a YouTube clip posted well before 1700 hours – has been a summary of the week’s most popular posts.

What the Warsi interview has exposed is that the Fawkes folks take blogging so seriously that they do next to none of it at weekends. After Warsi ridiculed their totally invented story about her wanting to be Foreign Secretary, there was not so much as a Tweet from Staines, Cole, Wickham or Simon “Lurch” Carr by 1100 hours this morning. Weekday bloggers caught out by a full-time news cycle.

If The Great Guido doesn’t take this game seriously, who should take him seriously?

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