Sunday 10 August 2014

Nadine Dorries’ Boris Fantasy

Just to demonstrate her consistent ability, if only that of telling whoppers, Mid-Bedfordshire’s Tory MP (yes, it’s her again) Nadine Dorries has taken to the bully pulpit provided by the press to give her fawning support to London’s occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, and the idea that Bozza may return to Parliament at next year’s General Election.
However, and here we encounter a significantly-sized however, there are two problems with her support. One may be put directly: she has already condemned Young Dave and his pal Gideon George Oliver Osborne, heir to the seventeenth Baronet, as “two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk” and also “arrogant”, but this also applies in spades to Bozza.

Worse, while many have to make do on an annual income of no more than £25,000, Johnson has memorably asserted that an amount ten times as large is mere “chicken feed”. And Ms Dorries’ second problem is her tendency to dishonesty: this has, in the past, got her into big trouble in the debate over term limits for abortions, especially her remarks on the viability of the foetus.

The Fragrant Nadine has also shown her less than honest side when asserting that her home city of Liverpool once had eight Tory MPs and an “all Tory Council”. As I pointed out at the time, this has not been the case at any time since 1945, and certainly not during her lifetime, as she suggested. She recently claimed to have had four “stalkers” – one of those accused was her Lib Dem opponent in 2010!

So it is with her cheerleading for Bozza: “Boris is our perfect anti-Nigel Farage weapon. Following his strongly Eurosceptic speech last week, Boris will undoubtedly coax back the voters who have temporarily left the Conservatives and dallied with Ukip. If anyone could be the silver bullet needed to take us clear across the majority line, the Mayor of London is it”. And to which I call bullshit.

Bozza tells voters whatever he needs in order to secure their support, as all those who have now been promised the Tramlink extension to Crystal Palace will know. And he doesn’t register that London popularity elsewhere: she should ask her fellow Liverpudlians what they think of him (not very much, if his visit as penance for insulting the city in a Spectator op-ed is anything to go by).

And she manages one big whopper to finish: “Boris needs to remind those MPs of his track record of success. He took an ailing London and has transformed it into a leading metropolis on the global stage”. Yes, he fouled up the traffic by caving to the car lobby, fouled up bus economics with his ludicrously expensive vanity bus, while promising pie-in-the-sky rubbish like driverless tube trains.

That’s without mentioning the proposed vanity airport. Bozza is a false prophet.

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