Monday 21 July 2014

Guido Fawked – Say Sorry To Owen Jones

One thing you soon realise about the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog is that, for them, sorry is indeed the hardest word, so hard, in fact, that they cannot bring themselves to utter it. Saying sorry, for The Great Guido, is for other people to do to them. So when they tried a smear too far against Owen Jones this morning, saying sorry was out of the question.
Remember who The Great Guido supports

Under the heading “Sick Owen Jones Papped Mocking Teen Polar Bear Tragedy”, the Fawkes folks produced a slice of magnificently creative logic, telling that Jones had passed severely adverse comment on the comrades at Socialist Worker who had, for whatever reason, thought that the death of student Horatio Chapple was a cause for mickey-taking, as he had gone to Eton.
What the Fawkes folks pulled - Take 1

Jones pointed out that mauling by a polar bear is not something to take lightly, merely because of where someone went to school, which in any case is unlikely to have been Chapple’s decision. Jones concluded that this might be the Socialist Worker’s form of socialism, but it certainly wasn’t his. Then he was photographed at the Tolpuddle festival last weekend, at the Greenpeace stand.
What the Fawkes folks pulled - Take 2

This featured a polar bear that was most definitely not a live one: it was part of the Greenpeace campaign to persuade oil giant Shell to desist from further exploration in the Arctic. Jones was pictured in front of the display. The ridiculous and out of order conclusion of the Fawkes rabble? “Here are Owen and two friends at Saturday’s Tolpuddle festival, mocking Horatio Chapple’s death”.
And here's a particularly stupid Tory MP

The grammar is reasonably correct, so this was probably the invention of newly anointed teaboy Alex Wickham, who makes up for his slight presence by being just as full of crap as his pals. The idea that Owen Jones was mocking someone’s death by being photographed in front of the Greenpeace stand was even more stupid than a stupid idea from the department of stupidity at the University of Stupid.
One person emerges with dignity intact

But was there an apology? Was there heck. But at least this spiteful and unnecessary post was taken down. Also removed was a Tweet in support of the Fawkes rabble from Tory MP Stewart Jackson, although he too was not big enough to say sorry, either to Jones or to Peterborough’s Labour prospective Parliamentary candidate, who he managed to smear by association.

Owen Jones has now Tweeted that he considers the matter closed, as the offending post has been removed. By doing so, and with the Fawkes rabble and their now-disgraced Tory MP pal too yellow to apologise, he has the moral high ground while The Great Guido and his associates once again find themselves occupying a space somewhere between gutter and sewer.

They’re full value for their 4% positive trust rating. Another fine mess, once again.

1 comment:

  1. I sent a very polite tweet to @SJacksonMP asking him to apologise for RTing this awful blog from @GuidoFawkes.

    He didn't respond, he just blocked me!
