As elections to the European Parliament (EP) approach, Nigel
“Thirsty” Farage and his supporters
out there at UKIP are becoming understandably nervous, and just a little
twitchy. So when a Green Party member had
a visit from the Police over his use of a “Ten great reasons to vote UKIP” graphic to illustrate the Farage
fringe’s policy idiosyncrasies, the ranting and rebuttal machine went into
Now it's paranoid supporter squeaky finger up the bum time
Michael Abberton cannot, by definition, have been in the
right to cry foul over the rozzers’ visit, which was apparently precipitated by
a UKIP complaint. Never mind that the chief constable for Cambridgeshire has
said “I believe in this instance police
attendance was not required and I have asked for our approach to this sort of
incident to be reviewed to ensure we do not get involved unless there is clear
evidence that an offence may have been committed”.
No sirree, this
has to be not only untrue, but also must by definition involve more than the Greens,
because in UKIP land their opponents are all at it. So it was no surprise to
read one prize specimen tell “Green and
Labour scum get together to make up more lies about UKIP – what a surprise”.
That was, however, nothing when put alongside the full
rebuttal. Another Kipper frothed “The
truth will out – 10 reasons not to vote UKIP fake, nonsense and smears – how about
LibLabCon come up with some policy”. Yes, we have to get the feeble-brained
“LibLabCon”, because, well, it’s
about the “EUSSR”, innit?!?
It got worse: not just were UKIP supporters outraged,
ranting, frothing and talking of “fake,
nonsense and smears”, it was all actionable! You think I jest? Here it
comes: “Another spin story from the
Independent on libellous post from the Green Party”. Abberton is a member
of the Greens, he does not make policy. But
never mind.
Why not? Because some Kippers are calling this Labour “Disinformation and smears”, despite no party member being involved
with it. So the party logo is added to the graphic, and words such as “Wrong!”, “Lie!” and even “Astonishing
lie!” are thrown into the mix. Then readers are told “Above another example of cowardly Labour lies in tactics!” But it’s
not libellous if the Farage followers do it.
Moreover, when Farage pulls a whopper he can’t stand up,
like, oh I dunno, how about “Labour
figures funding violent hate campaign against me”, it is repeated as if it
were gospel truth. Then UKIP followers wonder why other folk think they’re
Something they don’t want to hear is screamingly rebutted as
lies and condemned as libellous, but it’s OK to lie brazenly about Labour
having been involved, when they weren’t. And it’s fine for Mr Thirsty to lie,
because, well, it just is. Past Barking en route to Upminster, much? Fruitcakes is dead right.
these people have probably been reported already.
and I'll probably get reported for telling you.
and another one of those great Captcha moments, my first word here is SODS - so now they'll probably report Captcha