Wednesday 1 January 2014

Delingpole Scrapes The Fascism Barrel

Despite being given houseroom by the Daily Mail today – sneering at the scientists on that Russian icebreaker stuck in the Antarctic ice, in support of the predefined Dacre agenda – it seems James “saviour of Western civilisation” Delingpole is not a happy bunny, and nor is he averse to using some most unfortunate language in his efforts to smear those of dissenting voice.
Not even slightly fair and balanced

Del Boy has taken to the bully pulpit afforded him at the bear pit that is Telegraph blogs to have a good whine: “Julian Assange, Rowan Williams, John Pilger – PJ Harvey's plan to wreck the Today programme” he carps. These three gents are, apparently, “the weird blond-haired rat known as Wikileaks; an abstruse, bearded lefty; and a tendentious, perma-whingeing bleeding-heart hack”.

Well, Del would know all about whingeing. But the rant soon goes beyond “What Polly Harvey has just done is the intellectual equivalent of going on Desert Island Discs and choosing as her favourite songs Pavarotti doing Nessun Dorma, Celine Dion doing I Will Always Love You, the Agadoo Song and maybe a couple more tracks by Bryan Adams and Phil Collins. It's all so Occupy, so, so Russell Brand – so achingly, drearily, gag-inducingly predictable and conventional”.

Soon, Delingpole is carping about musicians whose comments on current affairs “usually look as if they've been lifted wholesale from the troll section on the pages of the Guardian's Komment Macht Frei”. Did Del Boy just tweak the inscription above the entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau as a kind of joke? He certainly did.

But there is no need to worry, because it’s people like “Irish comic Dara O'Briaiaian, Britain's third-most-famous-celebrity-mathematician Simon Singh, perma-smile pouty Astro Boy Brian Cox [and] Prime Minister of Mirth Marcus Brigstocke” who are the real fascists, and not Delingpole.

Readers know this because Del also uses his post to shamelessly plug his Very Wonderful new book called “The Little Green Book Of Eco Fascism”. And by purchasing a copy, they can discover even more of his creative recourse to gratuitous abuse. Having already likened advocates of wind energy to paedophiles, one can hardly wait to discover what he has made up in the meantime.

How achingly funny Delingpole and his jerking circle of pretend libertarians must find it to compare the Guardian to an extermination camp and then call anyone who objects a fascist. After all, they deserve it because “they think gay marriage is really really great – and, damn it, they just don't care who knows it”, so cannot object when Del compares them to Nazis and showers derivations of the word “retard on them (see Delingpole rants passim).

That’s what passes for “a sense of humour” with him. So that’s all right, then.

1 comment:

  1. Delingpole has previous for making facile and childish Nazi comparisons - last year he chose to do so during Holocaust Memorial Week. If he does so this year I'd love a few of us to start a co-ordinated campaign. It's well past time that Delingpole got what he deserves.
