Tuesday 20 March 2012

Guido Fawked – Not The Full Picture

[Update at end of post]

Last night, Labour’s London Mayoral challenger Ken Livingstone hosted an event near Waterloo station – the venue being under the viaduct that takes the line through Waterloo East towards Charing Cross – and the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines, despite donning a chicken suit, failed to gain entrance, and nor did his tame gofer, the flannelled fool Henry Cole.

So the less than dynamic duo had to rely on one of their so-called “co-conspirators” to give them a photo taken from behind those otherwise closed doors. This can be seen on the Guido Fawkes blog, along with the claim that “the pictures” showed that less than the 500 people claimed had turned up. And the photo does indeed show a venue less than fully occupied.

But, as this blog has observed previously, the Fawkes blog has form when it comes to spinning photo and video evidence: when Staines and Cole attempted to disrupt the Livingstone photo-op last week – also at Waterloo – their “chicken” video had only a few seconds of genuine sound before being heavily overdubbed, and missed the most interesting part, when Staines had his Derek And Clive moment.

And when the so-called Trade Union Reform Campaign launched, in a room at the Palace of Westminster, Cole claimed that over 80 had been there with many more unable to get into the room, but the only photo he could muster showed around 35. Moreover, the group clearly deceived cricketer Darren Gough, visiting Parliament to meet a friend, into having a photo taken which they then used to claim support.

There was much characteristic – and supposedly anonymous – spinning in the comments following my post, dishonestly claiming that, for some reason, the room had been full, but that MPs had been called away to a division. Cole’s ability to function even with his trousers well alight was thus demonstrated to anyone who doubted his sincerity in delivering whoppers.

As to the photo on the Fawkes blog from the Ken event, it’s clear that there is no-one addressing the meeting, with the most likely reason being that it was taken as folks were arriving (otherwise why would those at the back of the venue be standing blocking the aisle, other than being snapped as they made their way further forward to get a better seat?).

Far from having “pictures” that “tell a different story”, the Fawkes blog has selected one shot that suits their narrative and claimed it as typical. No-one should be surprised. They tried to get in and failed. That, for the Great Guido and his gofer, could not be allowed to pass. And if Bozza wins the Mayoral election, they’ll be there to claim that, somehow, they won if for him.

It keeps them out of worse mischief, though. Another fine mess, once again.

[UPDATE 1810 hours: Adam Bienkov has reported that the Livingstone meeting, contrary to the Fawkes blog spin, was "full with people standing at the back". He was in the singularly advantageous position of being there in person.

His observation is backed up by a photo posted by the Ken Digital Team, which does indeed show that the venue was full, with people at the back clearly having to stand. Thus the Fawkes blog has been caught posting a clear example of rank dishonesty.

Not a good idea when all those folks who had taken Staines and Cole at their word realise they've been had. Another fine mess, indeed]

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Staines had a drink and got his figures confused? He does like a drink, doesn't he? Even though it impairs an individuals judgement? That's probably what it is.
