Friday 29 April 2011

Wedding Laugh In – Unintentional But Hilarious

There I was, thinking that the Royal Wedding was done, and that was all there was to it. I had not considered the horde of wittering hacks, all ready to open their mouths and insert both feet. Laugh? I confess I did.

Leading off with, sadly, no style at all, is Harry Mount in the Maily Telegraph, apparently unaware that he is a complete prat. “Huw Edwards hasn’t got the historical knowledge for Royal commentary” he sniffs, equally unaware that the viewers are tuning in to see two young people getting hitched, and not get bored crapless having to suffer a history lesson.

Mount’s fellow Telegraph pundit Nile Gardiner fares no better. Gardiner, who keeps telling his readers how rubbish Barack Obama is, while forgetting that the US economy is still not out of the woods, and that the GOP doesn’t yet have a credible challenger for 2012, says that the Queen has better approval ratings than Barry. Of course she does, she doesn’t do politics. Another prat.

It’s no better over at the Mail, where Paul Connolly berates Christine Bleakley for going on about Kate’s wedding dress. Yes Paul, unlike Maysa Rawi in the, er, Mail – that’s the same paper you’re writing for. But Connolly did what Paul Dacre ordered: he rubbished Sky and looked down his nose at the Beeb. Another dose of prattery.

At least Paul Connolly was sticking to the main event, unlike “Daily Mail Reporter” (too embarrassed, perhaps?) who penned “Is Earl Spencer turning into his father at the age of 46?” to which the answer is that Nobody At All Cares About Earl Sodding Spencer. One more for the prat pile.

But it’s back to the Telegraph for the coup de grace: Christina Odone, one of those hacks who is happy to accept invites from the Beeb while laying into the corporation on the slightest pretext, tells that the Royal Wedding proves thatBritain is still very much a Christian country”. No it doesn’t, it just means that a couple got married in a Christian church. But there’s more: this made the event “more significant than a catwalk of preposterous hats, gleaming uniforms, and Union Jack bunting”. Oh no it didn’t.

My full house of prats, and I’ll raise you. Time to open the vino. Does anyone take these hacks seriously?

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