Friday 19 March 2010

That’s Life, But Not As We Know It – 2

Yesterday, I noted that the Maily Telegraph and Mid Bedfordshire Tory MP Nadine Dorries have previous. Today, the Telegraph has shown it intends to carry on the niggle-fest with an article “outing” Ms Dorries’ supposedly “main” home, a one bedroom cottage in the Cotswolds which is a long way from both Parliament and her constituency.

Given the benefits from designating the cottage as her “main” home, and their enthusiasm for outing many other MPs’ expense claims – some representing the party that they want to see in Government – it’s strange that, over at ConservativeHome, all those Clever People Who Talk Loudly In Restaurants have rushed to defend La Dorries and kick the Telegraph.

What Tim Montgomerie and his pals don’t seem to understand is that having a press that is free to select what stories it covers may be a good thing. He also fails to grasp that there is a reason that Private Eye long ago awarded its current nickname to the Maily Telegraph.

Think about it, Tim.

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