Sunday 28 February 2010

Tea For You?

On the fringe of the Tories’ so-called Spring Conference has been another in the long line of Stateside imports, but one that Young Dave may wish had stayed “over there”: the Tea Party movement has fetched up in Brighton.

And the supposedly respectable face of Tea Party UK is occasional Tory and committed Europhobe Dan, Dan the Oratory Man, seen recently denouncing the NHS for the benefit of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse).

But the event for some reason has not forced itself onto the news agenda thus far: well, not in the UK, at any rate. Why should that be? Well, the credibility of the concept of slashing the public sector in the way that Hannan and his pals at the so-called Freedom Association are advocating may not be high, for starters.

And Young Dave may want the event to stay off the news: after all, on the council of the Freedom Association along with Hanann is Malcolm Pearson, otherwise known as the leader of UKIP. Anything that even mentions the party that could take precious votes off the Tories will not go down well with Team Cameron.

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