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Friday 17 December 2010

Not A Good First Showing, Percy

So this week, after 25 years, Larry King has bowed out for the last time. Yesterday at 2100 hours ET was the last Larry King Live, with CNN management already knowing that King’s Tuesday show had come fourth in the cable ratings, behind not only Sean Hannity at Fox and Rachel Maddow at MSNBC, but also behind King protégé Joy Behar at HLN.

And next month, as I’ve already noted, into this time slot comes the untried, but confident Piers “Morgan” Moron, in a move that merely underscores CNN’s desperation. The changeover from Larry King Live to The Percy Moron Show caught the attention of Jon Stewart, who gave Percy a light roasting on Wednesday’s Daily Show (video for UK viewers on 4OD HERE, it’s the second item).

Stewart ran Morgan’s trailer for his new show, observing Percy telling that “I love interviews ... because I like talking to people”. After a suitable pause, Stewart noted this statement of the obvious, and added that it was rather like saying “I love breakfast, because I like eating in the morning”.

Moron has since tweeted that he loves Stewart, but is going to “beat him”, thus demonstrating his appreciation of space and time: the Daily Show goes out a whole two hours after The Percy Moron Show will air. And he’s already said he won’t be chasing Fox and MSNBC, which is dead right.

He’ll be chasing Fox, MSNBC and HLN. Bring on the car crash.

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